Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Pros and Cons of Working at a Startup

5 Pros and Cons of Working at a Startup Pros via Pros 1. Flexibility Working at a startup usually means you have more freedom than employees of the corporate world. Startups are typically much more willing to work with your schedule which is especially important if you have a family. If you need to leave early on Wednesdays to take your little girl to dance class, theyre more likely to be understanding of that. 2. Build your resume. Working at a startup can quickly make your resume shine among other applicants. When you apply for jobs later on, having the experience of working at a startup will greatly improve your chances of getting the job. Youll stand out from the other options for the job. Youll have a much wider variety of experiences to discuss in an interview. 3. Move quickly up the ladder Because startup companies typically start small, youll be one of a few employees. If you take advantage of this opportunity and prove yourself, youll be able to move quickly up the ladder of management. 4. Larger impact Startup companies greatly rely on the ideas and work ethic of their employees. More so than corporate employees. So while you will have the opportunity to move up the chain of command, youll also have the opportunity to make a greater impact on the community. 5. Learn from the best Working at a startup means youll be around people who are constantly trying to be the best trying to push harder. Youll be around creative minds with ideas that are one of a kind. As a startup employee, youll be exposed to much more than corporate employees. via Cons 1. Long hours Working at a startup requires  a ton  of work. You might find yourself working more hours than you really bargained for in the beginning, simply because theres more work to do than anyone expected. This could get worse as you become more and more productive and your team begins assigning you more and more work. 2. Uncertainty Corporate jobs typically make you feel as though you have some kind of job security. You were hired to take care of a number of things, and as long as youre accomplishing those tasks, youre safe to keep your job for the next year. But when you work at a startup, theres a greater chance you wont have a job year after year. It all depends on how successful the team is as a whole. That uncertainty can cause great discomfort and would definitely be a downside to working at a startup. 3. Less pay Because startups are just that:  a startup, youll likely earn much less than your corporate counterparts. Youll either have to pick up some contract work on the side or your partner will have to up their work hours as well in order to continue to make ends meet. Taking home less pay is a big downside to working at a startup. 4. Lack of infrastructure Without having the resources necessary to ensure a strong infrastructure, working at a startup means you might be working in minimal conditions or even from home. This might be considered a pro for some, but for others, not having a place to work, or not having the resources you need is a pretty large drawback to working at a startup. 5. Youth and immaturity Oftentimes, startup companies are full of young people, those who have just graduated from college. If youre also a recent grad, maybe this is great news. But if you arent, get ready to work with a lot of people who arent prepared to be in the workforce and have never been a part of a professional team, creating ideas. Many people would find working at a startup a positive possibility, while others might be more skeptical. Regardless of what side of the fence youre on, analyzing the sides to working for a startup is a good move. You need to know what youre getting yourself into. Dont accept a position with a startup unless youve considered these five pros and cons.

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